Day 17.5. Halfway!

Day 17.5. Halfway!

Day 17.5. Halfway! 2560 2048 Beth Behrendt

First, my newest cooking attempt:  hummus!  I have no decent excuse why it’s taken me years to get around to making this myself — well, OK, I do actually: who the heck keeps tahini on hand all the time?!

Anyway, it’s so easy and the texture of the homemade is so much better than store bought:  2 cans chickpeas, about half a can of water, a garlic clove, 2 T. tahini, drizzle of olive oil, lemon juice and salt to taste – whir up in the food processor.  Dash or two of paprika when serving.


Who has tahini on hand all the time?  Me!

Second: day 17.5 marked the half-way point of our 5 week commitment!  Wow.  While it is true that I have a 3 page listof things I still want to accomplish in the time that’s left, I’m pretty proud of all that we’ve done!  (Even the failures have been, if nothing else, entertaining — kale chips*, I’m looking at you!)   My big goal ASAP is to sit down and assess how this way of eating is affecting our grocery budget.  Look for a report later this week.

Lastly: from the Fort Wayne Farmer’s Market — their schedule and locations for the summer.  Find the one that works best for you!

  • Parkview Regional Medical Center (PRMC)
    • Tuesday, May 28th – Aug. 27th 2 – 6pm
  • One Summit Square
    • Wednesday, May 29th – Sept. 25th 10am – 2pm
  • New Haven, Schnelker Park
    • Wednesday, June 19th – Oct. 16th 4 – 7pm
  • Georgetown Square
    •  Thursday, June 13th – Sept. 12th 4 – 7pm
  • Jefferson Pointe
    • Friday, June 7th – Sept. 6th 4 – 7pm
  • Ft. Wayne’s Farmers Market
    • Saturday, June 1st – Sept. 14th 9am – 1pm
    • Corner of Barr and Wayne
  • Ft. Wayne’s Farmers Winter Market
    • Oct 5th – May 17th 9am – 1pm
    • Lincoln Financial Event Center  (at the Tincaps Field)

* hmmm — soggy, bitter….  so sad….  advice?

kale chips

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