About Me
Hello, I’m
Beth Behrendt
Librarian turned Author, my life experiences have now become the words printed among pages. My love for books was converted into a passion for storytelling, and my love of research would be the key to transforming my family’s life.

What I Do
Writer & Storyteller
When I’m writing, I seek to promote discussion about local businesses that foster unity and understanding in the community they serve. In my spare time, I write about lifestyle topics, parenting, travel, architectural design, history, food, and health.
I’m also the
Founder of FamilyNesting.org
Family Nesting is an online community focusing on the well-being of the children during a divorce. I know what its like not to have a plan of action. Trust me, I’ve been there. That’s why I’m here to help. Together, we can learn from our successes and shortcomings, so our children can reap the benefits of a happy, healthy childhood.
Why family nesting?
Our primary goal is to provide families with resources to navigate the stressful waters of divorce. I can’t stress enough… how important it is that family dynamics remain stable and consistent for your children. Their environment is key—choosing not to uproot them allows them to grow deep-rooted family ties (culture/heritage). Ultimately, this will lead to emotional and mental stability for your children.

1990 — 1992
University of North Carolina
at Chapel HillMaster of Science—Library Science
The MSLS curriculum provides foundational skills of collection, organization, storage, and retrieval of recorded knowledge for a variety of institutions and groups.
1986 — 1990
Miami University
Oxford OhioBachelor of Arts, History & French
Historians record and analyze past and current events of human activity so that we can better understand the present and guide our future.
Freelance Writer
BethBehrendt.com • FamilyNesting.org
Particularly experienced in covering family life, personal finance, travel, food, health, environment, interior design, history, and historic architecture.
- Editors, Ad Agencies, Businesses, and Organizations
- Magazines, Newspapers, Newsletters, Web, and Video,
- Local, Regional, and National Markets
Institute of Museum and Library Serivces Project
Organized and cataloged archival materials (dating back to 1920s) to facilitate use by students and other researchers.
- Instructed students on working with archival materials
- Wrote funding reports to IMLS
- Worked with architects on the design of a new work and storage space for the materials
- Networked with school librarians across the country to learn best practices for school archives
- Promoted the project to the DC Public Schools Administration, community organizations, and local press
- Profiled in The Washington Post “A School’s Unintentional Time Capsule Offers Students a Glimpse of the Past” Wednesday, May 13, 2009.
Library Director
World Resources Institute
WRI is an international non-profit research organization promoting sustainable development. As Library Director:
- Oversaw and trained staff research librarians and support staff
- Managed budget, collection development, and the design of and move to a new library facility
- Researched all aspects of the environment, business, and sustainable development (Dialog, Lexis-Nexis, internet, and traditional sources)
- Compiled donor profiles for WRI’s Development Office (DonorPerfect, Lexis-Nexis, internet and traditional sources)
- Marketed library services internally to research staff and externally to academic and international organizations worldwide
- Provided training and research services at WRI partner organizations in Budapest, Hungary and Nairobi, Kenya
- Represented WRI Publications at the Frankfurt, Germany International Book Fair
Head Librarian
Infoterra (UNEP) / USEP (Contractor)
INFOTERRA was a program of the United Nations Environment Programme to facilitate the exchange of environmental information between governments, organizations, and researchers. As librarian and then Library Director:
- Researched and answered requests for information about US environmental laws from individuals and government officials from around the world
- Provided tours for international visitors to the USEPA
- RMarketed INFOTERRA’S research services to EPA staff working on international issues
- Managed INFOTERRA’s budget, collection development, and a staff of research librarians and support staf