
Divorced Couple Turns to Nesting for the Kids

Divorced Couple Turns to Nesting for the Kids 736 431 Beth Behrendt

Our interview for The Journal-Gazette Bill and I, and our son, Jack, were interviewed for our local paper’s first article about nesting. It was also the first time Jack has…

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“Birdnesting: The Pros and Cons” for The Plum

“Birdnesting: The Pros and Cons” for The Plum 1109 484 Beth Behrendt

An interview with Beth Behrendt I was interviewed about the pros and cons of nesting for The Plum, a website whose mission is to help women “handle the hustle with…

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Reintroducing Myself.

Reintroducing Myself. 1000 664 Beth Behrendt

Hi there! I’m Beth Behrendt (rhymes with “parent”). I’m a writer, mom of three boys, and nester. (“What’s a nester?” you ask? More on that below.) The “writer” part— I’ve been…

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Christmas at the Nest

Christmas at the Nest 1024 627 Beth Behrendt

Revisiting “A Very Nesting Christmas” With holiday season upon us once again I wanted to share an article* I wrote two years ago about our family’s rather unique—yet also oh-so-very-common—celebration…

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Me? On Good Morning America?

Me? On Good Morning America? 704 494 Beth Behrendt

How I Ended Up on Good Morning America: Lessons from the Process How does a writer get an appearance on Good Morning America? Not a big-time, best-selling author, or a…

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5 Questions to See If Nesting Is Right for You

5 Questions to See If Nesting Is Right for You 4288 2848 Beth Behrendt

Are you considering family nesting as a way to co-parent after divorce? From my family’s experience, nesting has minimized the traumatic impact of divorce on my kids’ lives. My ex…

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Yes, My Three Children Were Planned

Yes, My Three Children Were Planned 2448 3264 Beth Behrendt

(And What Life Taught Me About Planning.) My three boys were all born while we lived in Washington, DC, where – at least in the group of two-career professional couples…

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My Packing Routine

My Packing Routine 280 424 Beth Behrendt

My Packing Routine Yes, nesting means you don’t have to keep track of all your kids’ stuff as they move back and forth between their parents’ two houses. (Yay!) But…

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Missing My Dad

Missing My Dad 500 512 Beth Behrendt

Missing My Dad Last week we celebrated my dad’s 76thbirthday. Without him. He passed away in November 2016 from a recurrence of the leukemia he’d beaten a few years earlier.…

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The Evolution of Where (and How) We Live

The Evolution of Where (and How) We Live 4288 2848 Beth Behrendt

Divorced Family Nesting. Simply put, nesting means the kids stay in the family home after a divorce – it’s the parents who move in and out to take care of…

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