
Taco Night!

Taco Night! 2560 1707 Beth Behrendt
Everybody does Taco Night at their house, right? No big deal. Super popular with the kids. read more

A few days in the life..

A few days in the life.. 2560 1774 Beth Behrendt
… of us. I am really trying to be better about making real dinners for the boys.It’s super important to me that we have regular time together that does NOT involve homework, technology, driving around in the car, or sitting in bleachers. read more


Recipes. 1707 2560 Beth Behrendt
Here’s a rough guide to the recipes that have popped up in the blog since its inception (I can’t use that word without thinking about that cool movie — remember that one?!). Have fun and feel free to improvise! Don’t forget to comment and let me know how it goes for you. read more


Drinking. 1706 2560 Beth Behrendt
(Not THAT kind of drinking.  Well, a bit of that — see the end of the post.) read more

Day 35. So what?

Day 35. So what? 2560 2560 Beth Behrendt
Well, TECHNICALLY, Day 35 was the official end of our 5 Weeks5 Real Food Rules for our family of five.  But, you know what?  I’m having too damn good a time to just stop! read more

Day 33. Cheese.

Day 33. Cheese. 2560 1706 Beth Behrendt
Considering how much cheese we eatI’m not sure “diet” is really the right term to use for the way we are eating these days! read more

Day 22. Shark!

Day 22. Shark! 2560 1695 Beth Behrendt
Bill grilled up some delicious mako sharkshark from Paula’s Seafood on Main.  According to my handy-dandy Seafood Watch app:  while “most shark populations worldwide are at historically low levels due to serious overfishing”, wild-caught mako is a “Good Alternative”. read more

Days 18-21. Highlights.

Days 18-21. Highlights. 1624 2560 Beth Behrendt
A typical busy weekend and start to our week Lots of eating.  (Of COURSE!)  Here are some photos from various meals. read more

Day 15. Lunches.

Day 15. Lunches. 2560 1440 Beth Behrendt
Packing lunches with the big boyshas been less of a challenge than I expected.  It’s actually kind of fun to try out new things and talk about what is healthy and why (and what they like and why not!). read more

Day 8. Day 9. Day 10.

Day 8. Day 9. Day 10. 1707 2560 Beth Behrendt
These were pretty typical hectic days of running aroundto various kid/school things: volunteering, field trips, after school activities.  Plus homework. read more

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