Day 11. Bread Success and a Berry Farm

Day 11. Bread Success and a Berry Farm

Day 11. Bread Success and a Berry Farm 2560 1707 Beth Behrendt

day 11 berry farm

We started this unseasonably cold May morning with our first trip to Tanglewood Berry Farm.  A USDA certified organic farm just a few minutes from our house (at the corner of Hadley and Covington, Fort Wayners! I had no idea a whole farm was back in there)  It’s too early for berries, but we got some delicious baby greens for salads and sandwiches and lots of organic herb plants for our herb garden.  The boys loved meeting the farm’s huge Italian Sheepdog, Leo, and seeing “Mr. Chicken” — as the 5 y.o. called it — lay an egg.  Guess that wouldn’t make it “Mister” now, would it?

If you are in the area, please visit and support this lovely place!

day 11 bread
That afternoon, I baked another loaf of the bread that even the 9y.o. likes.  Here’s the recipe (originally from, but I’ve modified it a bit):
  • 1 1/2 cups warm water
  • 2 tablespoons powdered milk (organic)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons yeast
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter (organic)
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 2 tablespoons molasses
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 3 1/3 cups white whole wheat flour (I use King Arthur brand)
  1. whisk the powdered milk into the water until dissolved
  2. pour into bread machine pan and add yeast
  3. cut butter into small pieces and add to pan
  4. add honey, molasses, and salt
  5. add flour
  6. set your machine for whole wheat
I have a 2 pound machine, fyi.  A useful tip I got from the post, is to put the loaf into a large ziploc bag after you remove it from the baking pan.   Let it cool completely in the bag.  The condensation in the bag makes the crust nice and soft — which the kids love.  After it’s completely cooled, I transfer it to a dry bread bag and keep it in the bread box.  We go through a whole loaf in about 2 days —  it stayed moist the whole time.

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