One big disappointment today: I had some unexpected kid stuff come up Saturday morning (why don’t they ever put myneeds first?). So I missed the Fort Wayne Farmers Market completely. I had been looking forward to checking out all the vendors and products, especially the baked goods. Which leads me to my big frustration (“so FAR” — as Homer Simpson says): the 9 y.o. does not like ANY of the bread products I’m making or buying. He’s pretty skinny – so I do actually worry about him getting enough carbohydrates. So far, he’s liked none of the three different whole wheat breads that I’ve made; nor the homemade tortillas; nor the super soft wheat pitas from Meijers; not EVEN the whole wheat banana pancakes! Nobody else in the family has loved the bread recipes, so I’ll give him that. But the other stuff has been a big hit all around — until I look his way and see only the big “eyes of disappointment”.
Fortunately, he does love these Unique Sprouted 100% Whole Grain pretzels that I get at Fresh Market and the homemade whole wheat brownies (recipe to be posted soon!) — so he isn’t exactly starving for bread products. But I still feel guilty. Darn Mother’s Guilt.
But on to what we ate. Breakfast was easy scrambled eggs (local, free-range from the Co-op) and wheat toast (trying to work our way through the bread). Lunch was leftover pizza from last night and apples.
Dinner was exciting! My first attempt at homemade mac & cheese – ever! The whole wheat mac & cheese recipe is from 100daysofrealfood — but we all agreed it needs to have a sharper cheese taste and a crispier crumb crust. I’ll play around with it and post my version soon. Kids also had organic avocado slices, mixed vegetables, organic hotdogs, and this Organicville organic ketchup that they love.
Bill and I had dinner after the kids went to bed. And he cooked! One of my favorite dining scenarios. He pan seared bone-in pork chops and served them with a butter/freshly-squeezed orange juice sauce. He also made delicious blanched asparagus (from Fort Wayne’s own Yoder Farm) and red Bhutan rice topped with toasted pumpkin seeds. Looks good, right?
It was.
Oh, and we enjoyed a bottle (or so) of this yummy organic white wine that Bill found at Fresh Market: Candoni Pinot Grigio.