Real Life. For 5.

Real Life. For 5. 2560 1707 Beth Behrendt
I hate to bring up the Gwyneth thing again (really, I do), but — bear with me, this is going to loop back to food eventually — remember her big news? Anyone with a passing interest in pop-culture (or anyone who fairly regularly just ends up stuck in grocery store lines staring at magazine covers) probably recalls all the cover time Gwyneth got in March 2014 with her announcement that she and her rockstar husband, Chris Martin of Coldplay fame, were going through a “conscious uncoupling”. read more

The last two.

The last two. 2560 1707 Beth Behrendt
“Two what?,” you ask?The last two dinners from my list of 6 easy, boy-pleasing “real” dinners, silly! You know, the things I cook over and over again. read more

Cookout? Apps and a side.

Cookout? Apps and a side. 1707 2560 Beth Behrendt
We have only recently come through the longest winterin the history of human occupation of the Midwest. (I am not kidding. My birthday is mid-May and I wore a leather coat and boots to go out to celebrate —  and I was still cold. read more

Two more dinners.

Two more dinners. 2560 1707 Beth Behrendt
Here are details on a couple more of the fairly easy dinners in heavy rotation in my kitchen— originally mentioned in the long and rambly Two dinners post. I am certain this update will be more to the point. read more

Two dinners

Two dinners 2560 1920 Beth Behrendt
This may be a little secret I should not share (or maybe every homecook does this?): as much as I love to cook and try new recipes, it dawned on me the other day that I have about 6 family meals that I cook over and over. read more

Two dinners.

Two dinners. 2560 1920 Beth Behrendt


Soup! 1707 2560 Beth Behrendt
It’s March in beautiful Northeastern Indiana!Some years by this point, we are outside cooking on the grill. read more

Real Christmas Traditions.

Real Christmas Traditions. 1707 2560 Beth Behrendt
As our lives have changed — growing children, moving households, adding and losing family members — so have our family traditions evolved. Life is nothing but change. And that’s good! read more


Recipes. 1707 2560 Beth Behrendt
Here’s a rough guide to the recipes that have popped up in the blog since its inception (I can’t use that word without thinking about that cool movie — remember that one?!). Have fun and feel free to improvise! Don’t forget to comment and let me know how it goes for you. read more

Our Rules.

Our Rules. 1707 2560 Beth Behrendt
Almost 4 years later… life circumstances, bigger boys, and my commitment to limit a grocery store run to only one time  per week (ha!), means Our Rules have evolved to be generally: read more

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