Day 24. Class “treat”?

Day 24. Class “treat”?

Day 24. Class “treat”? 2560 1962 Beth Behrendt

The afternoon of our 24th day in, I had the honor of being “Mystery Reader” to my son’s 2nd grade class.  The kids know that every Friday a grown-up will be coming in to read a story and will bring a snack.  Who will it be and what will he/she bring to eat?!  (Maybe they wonder about the book, too?)

This is a CRAZY time of year, so I was strongly tempted to go with my usual M.O. for class visits/parties:  quickly grab something sugary and store-bought — because it’s easiest and you know the kids enjoy it.  BUT, in light of how we’re eating at home, I was determined to “walk the talk”.  I just hoped my 9 y.o. wouldn’t be too disappointed or embarrassed.

So I bought some organic fruit and organic cheddar and cut it all up — prep time, 12 minutes.  Voila:

class snack PRE

And here’s the treat by the time I’d finished reading the story:

class snack POST

OK, one little boy did ask if I’d brought any Oreos and wouldn’t even try the fruit or cheese.  Sigh.  But the more frequent comment was that I didn’t bring enough blackberries.  Fair enough.

I read one of my very favorite children’s books:  The Three Questions by John J. Muth.  All of his books are  beautifully illustrated works and teach important life lessons to children (and their parents).  Here’s my favorite line from this one:

“Remember then that there is only one important time and that time is now.  The most important one is always the one you are with.  And the most important thing is to do good for the one who is standing at your side…. This is why we are here.”

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